The New Sous - a photo series by Nick Hillier - THOMAS.

When Nick Hillier contacted us a few months ago wanting to do a photo series on London-based sous chefs, we jumped at it. Head chefs, understandably, get the spotlight and praise when a restaurant does well. But chat to any of them and they’ll invariably praise their team as invaluable to that success. 

And so to four rising stars of London’s food scene, all doing brilliant things in their own right. We’ve kept info about them to a minimum, to allow Nick’s photography, and the chefs, to shine.

This is part 1 of a 4-part series, also featuring Aika Levins of The Barbary and The Barbary Next Door, Marios Lathourakis of The Waterhouse Project and Joseph Carvell of Smokestak.


Thomas Ward is a baker at Pophams. Before the pandemic, he worked as a pastry chef in high-end restaurants. During lockdown, he used his free time to rediscover the classics in viennoiserie and bread and he hasn’t looked back.

Nick Hillier is a Canadian portrait and documentary photographer living in London. He loves capturing real and intimate moments with his subjects and revealing a side to people, places and things that we don't often see.


The New Sous - a photo series by Nick Hillier - AIKA.


Stockport Fungi - A Feature, by Katie Hourigan